Sage Council Meeting
Sage Council Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2022
Recording Link:
Attendees: Ryan McGinnis, Maribel Pagan, Mary Reser, Dea Nowell, Maggie Pando, Kathleen Schmidtgall, Jon Georg, Kathy Street, Cheryl Hancock, Perry Stokes, Rachael Fox, Mark Rose, Steve Nikodem, Ione Library
Request for agenda items – no changes or additions
Approval of March, 2022 minutes – Comment was made that font type changed part way thru minutes and should be corrected. Dea moved to the approve the minutes, Delia seconded and all were in favor.
Old Business
Update on email vote for budget, cyber security policy, February 2022 minutes
- Vote took place and all approved with a quorum. Perry asked for percentages on votes. Beth will gather that information.
New Business
Committee Reports
Cataloging Committee- The cataloging committee met April 4. They discussed the fact that 710 entries were not being indexed but that it has been corrected. A reminder that the 790 can help when the authorized author does not match the author on the item. After much discussion, the decision was made to no longer assign ‘e’ in the Audn fixed field exclusively to materials with explicit or mature content. Instead of ‘e’ meaning ‘only for adults’, it now means ‘intended for adults. The Sage Specific Practices document was shown and made available. A litf of “1” rather than “f” for novels was recommended for broader search results for patrons. A Good Reads demo was given to familiarize catalogers with that interface since issues have been raised with FantasticFiction and there may be a need to switch to that for series consistency. The intro to Marc is available through the University of Nebraska, either as a refresher or to obtain cat2 level permissions.
Perry commented that he was glad to see movement toward Good Reads as an authority source and asked what the resistance is. Lack of familiarity and an interface that pushes for you to log in, even though it is not required, makes it more cumbersome. Beth indicated that both links are available to staff in the web client but she will need to check the OPAC.
Circulation Committee– the Circulation Committee did not meet.
Evergreen Upgrade Update – the Evergreen upgrade went well. We’ve had a few issues with some of the new software not engaging until you did a hard refresh to cause the software to update. Most people didn’t have any problems once the hard refresh was done. We discovered a bug with the course reserves module. When an item was added to a course with a temporary shelving location and then removed from the course it did not revert back to its original shelving location. The Evergreen community is working on the fix. There are issues with Quick Reports. It is an add-on module that is not broadly supported by the Evergreen community. Development toward making the interface easier to use is happening for the regular reports module, possibly available in version 3.9. So, rather than spending support money for Equinox to fix the issue, Beth’s recommendation is to overhaul current reports and move away from Quick Reports.
Sage Website Update – Beth and Jon have been working on the new Sage website. Pages sometimes take longer to come up so they will be looking at performance. They will continue to work on content. The public and staff websites are separated, so that the staff side could be passworded at some point if desired. They intend to go back and enhance the public side. Once they get past the development phase there could be a training for those who want to post content. Comment was made that they liked the regular system updates via the blog and Beth indicated that the intent was to start that back up again. Perry asked if there was any analytics and Beth said she would look into that. A support module was added to both staff and public side.
Academic Seat on Council – Maribel Pagan from Klamath Community College volunteered to fill the open spot on the council. Beth emailed the other academic members and they approved Maribel for the council seat.
Evergreen Reports Overhaul and training – reports have been cluttered for a while. Beth wants to reorganize the templates into more folders and 10 or fewer reports per template folder. The problem that exists now is that there are so many choices, and there are new reports versus old reports. Beth intends to create new folders and make sure that working reports are in those new folders. She will follow that up with a training on reports, especially for those who have been using Quick Reports. Any customized templates that are in local folders won’t be affected.
Open Council positions in July 2022 – Kathleen Schmidtgall (public libraries under 5000), Lili Schmidt (public libraries 5000-15000), Rachael Fox (public libraries over 15000), and Delia Fields (resource sharing partner) are due to go off the council in July 2022. Perry volunteered to help recruit for those positions. Chair and vice-chair recruitment usually take place after the new members are seated on the council.
Meeting adjourned at 10:38 am