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Sage Council Meeting

Sage Council Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2023

Recording Link:

Attendees: Beth Ross (Sage), Maggie Pando (The Dalles), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Mary Reser (Gilliam County), Delia Fields (Hermiston HS), Perry Stokes (Baker, Vice-Chair), Rachael Fox (Hood River), Adam Sims (Blue Mountain CC), Kathleen Schmidtgall (Weston), Jon Georg (Sage), Maribel Pagan (Klamath Falls CC)

Additions to the Agenda – none given

Approval of November 2022 minutes – No corrections or objections were raised and the minutes will stand as written.

Committee reports

  • Cataloging committee – the committee met in December and the topics covered were the use of charts, the illustration fixed field, the journal title search, OPAC images, library of things, RDA implementation, and the use of 505s was encouraged as well as the 7xx fields that go with them. There was also a Niche Academy overview. Meetings have been well-attended.
  • Circulation committee – meeting was cancelled
  • Courier committee – did not meet

Financial report (Perry) – the financial report was shared in the chat – . No activity to highlight. Cash balance in a healthy position. Income wise, we are waiting for the courier claim for payment from LSTA.

Circulation Policy – adoption of changes? Does the council feel comfortable voting on the draft that was sent out by Kathy? The only change was an increase to 15 holds and feedback was requested on the listserv. Due to the fact that we don’t know what the feedback was, the decision was made to table the vote to another meeting.

System Manager retirement – timeline, hiring committee – Beth is still intending to retire at the end of June if a replacement is found. Perry suggested that a hiring team meet in February, have the job posted in March and have the job search open for at least 30 days. Interviews could start in April. Ideally the new person would start in June so that there would be time for crossover training. Beth plans on writing a lot of documentation before then to help someone transition into the role. Perry asked for volunteers to be on the hiring committee – Dea volunteered along with Perry. Additional volunteers can be recruited via the listserv. Beth has an old job description which could be used as a starting point.

Sponsorship of International Evergreen conference in Massachusetts in April – We have sponsored in the past at the Ally level, which is $1250. It sponsors things like the snack breaks, audiovisual support, hackfest snacks. Typically, this has been taken out of the development line of the budget. This is a way to support the Evergreen community since we aren’t doing any development projects. Our logo and name are featured in the program, as well as signage at the conference. Dea moved to sponsor the conference at the Ally level, Delia seconded, and with no objections the motion passed.

Perry has a development request to submit – the ability to have parts display in the report generated off the pull list.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:20.