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Sage Council Meeting

Sage Council Meeting Minutes

July 18, 2023

Recording Link:

Attendees: Rachael Fox (Hood River), Maribel Pagan (KFCC), Beth Ross (Sage), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Kathy Street (OTLD), Jon Georg (Sage), Kristin Williams (BMCC), Perry Stokes (Baker, Vice-chair), Maggie Pando (The Dalles), Cheryl (Harney County), Carrie Bushman (Cook Memorial, Chair), Mark Rose (Hermiston)

Request for agenda items: no additional items given

Approval of March and May meeting minutes: Corrections given for March minutes – American Library Association rather than Intellectual Freedom Committee, “charged” instead of “charge” in paragraph above. Perry moved to accept minutes as amended, Dea seconded. No objections were raised, both minutes approved.

Committee Reports

Cataloging Committee (Beth)- The 245 entry for graphic novels was reviewed. Several imported records are coming in with 490 0/ which is for an untraced series. Catalogers were encouraged to trace the series and reminders were given on where to find the series. Catalogers were reminded to search all of Sage when cataloging so that duplicates aren’t created. Instructions were given on how to delete an empty bibliographic record. A Library of Things meeting recap was given and catalogers were reminded to check the resource documents on the staff cataloging page for the latest updates.

Circulation Committee (Kathy) – The committee met but didn’t do much. They are waiting on approval of circulation policy draft.

Courier Committee (Beth) – committee did not meet

Circulation Policy Draft – Major changes were reviewed. Perry moved to approve the circulation policy update. Dea seconded the motion. With no objections, the policy was approved. Kathy will send the updated document to Beth and she will post on the listserv and then send out an announcement to the listserv.

Filling new council seats – Discussion took place on how we could encourage library staff to volunteer. Beth will send out emails to libraries in each category with open seats, seeking volunteers. Hopefully by the next council meeting there will be a group of individuals to present to the council.

September 19 is the next scheduled council meeting.

Meeting adjourned.