Sage Council Meeting
Sage Council Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2023
Recording Link:
Attendees: Beth Ross (Sage), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Kathleen Schmidtgall (Weston), Jon Georg (Sage), Perry Stokes (Baker, Vice-chair), Maggie Pando (The Dalles), Cheryl Hancock (Harney County), Marsha Richmond (Lake County)
Request for agenda items: no additional items given
Approval of July 2023 minutes – quorum not present, minutes not approved. Question was raised as to whether the circulation policy was approved. It was, Beth is awaiting a copy of the final version from Kathy before posting on the web and sending out an email.
Committee Reports
Cataloging Committee – met on August 7. Marc templates were discussed and the fact that quick reports is no longer supported by the Evergreen community and shouldn’t be used. Beth intends to remove the link and spend time reorganizing the regular reports module template folders. The Evergreen community is working on modifying the reports interface so that it is easier to use and more clear. Precat records were discussed along with procedures. Item holdings templates were reviewed, along with lcgft terms.
Circulation Committee – did not meet. A Doodle poll was sent out to find a different time for the committee to meet but the results are unknown.
Open Council Seats – Beth will send out an email after the meeting to solicit volunteers for the open seats.
Courier – Perry noted that the courier between Baker and Ontario seems to be going well. Beth agreed. Beth indicated that there has been an uptick in request for bags so she intends to query libraries about their inventory of bags and whether there is a need to purchase more bags along with supplies. Perry asked if there are reports to indicate that we have more demand. Beth can pull reports to assess this. EOU no longer has a surplus, all the bags are out in the libraries.
Financial report – Perry shared a link
Statistics – Perry asked about statistics. Beth indicated that she completed them by July 10 and submitted the spreadsheet to the State Library. Perry asked for a copy to be sent to him. Beth will verify that the stats are available on the Sage staff website. Kathleen asked about LEO stats and when they would be coming.
Governance – Perry hopes to post Beth’s position description this week.
ADA accessibility standards – Perry doesn’t believe our catalog meets standards and asked if the Evergreen community is working on improvements to the public catalog display. Beth indicated that it was a topic of conversation and is uncertain how the new OPAC (bootstrap) rates with the standards. We are not using the bootstrap OPAC yet since we have customizations. Some sites have looked at third party interfaces for their catalog display. Beth volunteered to check into any ADA compliance improvements.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am Pacific Time.