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Sage Council Meeting

Sage Council Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2024

Recording Link

Attendees: Beth Ross (Sage), Dea Nowell (UCSLD), Jon Georg (Sage), Perry Stokes (Baker, Vice-chair), Maggie Pando (The Dalles), Cheryl Hancock (Harney County), Marsha Richmond (Lake County), Carrie Bushman (Cook Memorial), Delia Fields (Hermiston High School), Christine Ostberg (Grant), 5413519510?, Mary Reser (Gilliam)

Request for agenda items: no additional items given

Approval of July and September 2023 minutes – Dea motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Delia seconded. No one opposed. Minutes approved.

Committee Reports
Cataloging Committee – met on December 5. Migration to WorldShare Record Manager from CatExpress and Connexion in April. Training will be held beforehand. New tool mentioned- Dewey Call Number lookup on LibraryThing. New manga terms are now available, we discussed how to correctly source series. Evergreen search techniques were discussed. There was a discussion on playaways vs wonderbooks, new topics on niche academy, and a state offered cataloging course.

Circulation Committee – Met January 9 th , as well as a brief meeting in December. Enhancements to Sage Staff website were discussed- Fines free document, automatic renewals, list of those libraries and a list of the notices going out. We also discussed adding Libby/Overdrive related information on both the staff and public sites, adding more circulation related content to niche academy, and ideas for circulation related training videos. Transits were discussed and how we need to do clean up related to items that appear to be stuck in
transit or were lost. Custom receipt templates were also mentioned.

Open Council Seats – Beth sent an email after the last meeting to solicit volunteers for the open seats. Not much response was received. Since the updated bylaws were approved there was a discussion about temporarily reducing the number of seats from 13 to 9 until Spring, to see if we get better feedback at that time. Dea, Delia and Carrie had no issue with staying on longer. Beth indicated she would send out a vote to those members that were not present.

Purchase of Courier Bags and Supplies – Beth ran reports regarding courier supplies but the reports did not clearly indicate if additional supplies are needed or not at this time. Number of transits appears to be similar to what we had in 2018. Experientally we’re getting a lot of reports about libraries needing supplies. Beth is going to try and coordinate inventory among the couriers/libraries for them all to take a count on a given day/time to see approximately how many bags are currently in use. We discussed pricing, and verified that there is room in the budget to order more if the inventory results indicate ordering more is needed.

Cleanup Projects

One of the clean up projects we are planning to address is long expired patron accounts, another is lost items by non-owning libraries as a result of ILLs.

Scheduling Next Evergreen Software Upgrade – We need to schedule the upgrade from 3.7 to 3.12 or higher. Consensus was to try and aim for spring break for the upgrade time to minimize impact on patrons and staff. No vote was taken. More information was going to be presented at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:39 am Pacific Time.